The HMO Podcast

Find, Fund, Fix, Fill & Get Into Flow: My 5-Step System To Scaling A HMO Business #REWIND

Andy Graham Episode 288

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

In this episode, I’m revisiting what I consider one of the most valuable I’ve ever recorded. I’ll be sharing my proven five-step system for building and scaling a sustainable HMO property business.

The truth is, it’s not hard to find a good HMO and make some profit. But to do this consistently, and scale it into a business that gives you time, freedom, and flexibility—that takes a process. I’ve been refining this system for nearly 15 years, and it’s still the approach I follow and teach to my mentees today.

If you’re new to the show, this is a great episode to start with. And if you’re an experienced investor, it’s a perfect chance to refresh your approach.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • 03:00 – My Five-Step System for HMO Success
  • 05:51 – Finding the Right HMO Properties
  • 11:56 – Funding Your HMO Business
  • 18:05 – Fixing and Refurbishing Properties
  • 25:00 – Filling Your HMO with Tenants
  • 30:09 – Getting into the Flow of Managing Your HMO Business


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Andy Graham (00:02.67)

Hey, I'm Andy and you're listening to the HMO Podcast. Over 10 years ago, I set myself the challenge of building my own property portfolio. And what began as a short-term investment plan soon became a long-term commitment to change the way young people live together. I've now built several successful businesses. I've raised millions of pounds of investment and I've managed thousands of tenants. Join me and some very special guests to discover the tips, tricks and hacks, the ups and the downs, the best practice and everything else you need to know to start, scale and systemise your very own HMO portfolio now.

Andy Graham (00:40.642)

In today's episode, I'm rewinding to share with you what I think is one of the most valuable episodes that I've recorded yet. My long standing and evidence based process of how to find, fund, fix, fill and get into flow in your HMO property business. This episode is all about my five step system to building and scaling a sustainable HMO property business. Look, the truth is it's actually not that difficult. It's not rocket science to find a good HMO and make a few quid in it. But to do that repeatedly, to actually scale up, to build a business that gives you time and freedom and choice and flexibility, the ability to leave your job, spend more time with your kids, do more of what you love. Well, that is a process. It's a process that I started to do many years ago, nearly 15 years ago. I've learned and refined it. And today it is my five step process of how to find fund, fix, fill and get into flow. 

Now today's episode is a rewind. I actually recorded this episode over a couple of years ago on the show, but nothing has changed. This is still a process I follow to the dot today, and it's still the process that I teach every single one of my mentees today as well. So if you're a new listener to the show and you haven't had a chance yet to go back and dive into the archives, this is going to be a great one for you. But if you're an experienced investor and you've been listening to the show for a while, this is perhaps a good time to refresh.

Now, before we get into today's episode, I just want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. Of course, it's Christmas Day when today's episode is going out. I am of course pre-recording it. I'm not sat here on Christmas Day recording this episode and trying to get it live for you, but I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for listening to the show, your listenership, your commitment to the show, the fact that you're here listening to this show on Christmas Day or around Christmas Day means the world to me. And look, I'm going to keep turning up as long as you're going to be here to listen, but enjoy the day.

Enjoy the Christmas period, enjoy it with your family, laugh, drink, eat as much as you can, do all that good stuff. Because look, it's times like this that matter the most, isn't it? Spending time with our friends and family and our loved ones. There is nothing more important than luck. I think about property a lot, consumes a whole lot of my thought and time, but actually I do it all because it's things like this. Spending time with my friends and family on special occasions, prioritising that and having the ability to really let my head down and enjoy myself.

Andy Graham (03:00.876)

and put other people first. That is what makes all of this hard work so worthwhile and I'm sure that you agree. So with that in mind, I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and please sit back, relax and enjoy today's episode of the HMO Podcast.

Hey guys, it's Andy here. We're going to be getting back to the podcast in just a moment, but before we do, I want to tell you very quickly about the HMO roadmap. Now, if you're serious about replacing your income, or perhaps you've already got a HMO portfolio that you want to scale up, then the HMO roadmap really is your one-stop shop. Inside the roadmap, you'll find a full 60 lesson course delivered by me, teaching you how to find more deals, how to fund more deals and raise private finance, how to refurbish great properties, how to fill them with great tenants that stay for longer, and how to manage your properties and tenants for the future. 

We've also got guest workshops added every single month. We've got new videos added every single week about all sorts of topics. We've got downloadable resources, cheat sheets and swipe files to help you. We've got case studies from guests and community members who are doing incredible projects that you can learn from. And we've also built an application just for you, that allows you to appraise and evaluate your deals, stack them side by side and track the key metrics that are most important to you. To find out more, head to now and come and join our incredible community of HMO property investors.

Andy Graham (04:28.014)

Building a HMO business can be overwhelming, right? Well, that's definitely something that I hear a lot. And to be honest, it's definitely something that I've experienced as well. But it doesn't have to be that way. I've created a system, it's a system that I've been following for a number of years and it's a system that I still follow today. And if you've seen anything about the HMO roadmap that I've been posting recently, well, you'll probably have a bit of an idea, but all of the content and information in the brand new roadmap, which will be released in January, is founded on the principles of this five step system. Now this five step system is what I call the F system and it catches the five most important concepts that you need to focus on when it comes to building and growing your HMO portfolio. Those five F's are find, fund, fix, fill and flow.

Now, before I dive straight into each one of those, what I want to do is just tell you broadly what to expect from this episode. The roadmap, which will be ready in January is a huge resource of content, videos, downloadable worksheets, tips, tricks and hacks and hundreds of hours of videos. And it is founded on the five principles, the five F's, the system that I follow and the system that we're talking about in this podcast but there's far too much that I could possibly try and cover in just one episode. 

So what I'm going to do is give you an overview and highlight some of the key features. Now I'm sure a lot of these concepts won't be new, but perhaps looking at it in a slightly different way will reinvigorate you, will perhaps make you feel less overwhelmed about what it is that you've got to do to make a success of your business. So let's get straight into it. What are the five Fs?

What is this system that I've built? Well, find, fund, fix, fill and flow. That's what we're going to talk about in this episode. The very first F, the first principle, the first concept is Find. Now this is a system, but within this system are lots of different areas that you could further systemise and absolutely you would need to do that to make it successful. Building a business is about far more than having five simple concepts in place.

Andy Graham (06:49.814)

This is just a way to compartmentalise everything for you to make it easy, to make it understandable and to really help you focus. But I've been following this for years and every single time I need to make a decision, every time a problem crops up, every time I've got to think about prioritising a number of tasks or exercises that I've got to do, I look at which one of these boxes it sits in and that helps me get on top of it. That helps me get my head around it. It helps me plan. It helps me focus and ultimately, it helps deliver results. 

It stops me wasting time in areas that I shouldn't be spending time and it makes sure that we're working on profitable exercises. We're protecting the downside. We're working on things that can really drive the business forwards because hell yeah, there is so much to think about when it comes to growing a HMO portfolio or business. So let's get straight into find, the first F. 

This concept is all about understanding exactly what it is that you're trying to find. What are you trying to build your portfolio around? Now there are a few different things under this umbrella of find, but what I really want to get you thinking about is firstly, whether or not you're looking for the right sorts of HMOs. This is a question that in principle should be so, so easy to answer, but actually in practice, it can be much more difficult. And a lot of people out there have already decided what they're investing in some rightly, but perhaps for some people, their choice isn't quite what they should be doing. 

It doesn't necessarily fit their long-term objective. And that's incredibly important here because this is all about trying to fulfill not our short-term objectives, but our long-term objectives. So firstly, understanding the types of HMOs that we're investing in. Student HMOs, professional HMOs, low-income HMOs, they're all very different. These are entirely different beasts.

Some of the principles of finding them and managing them are quite similar, but in practice, it'll be a totally different business. So perhaps just stop and think about firstly, whether you're investing in the right thing. Do you know why you're investing in that type of HMO? And do you really understand everything that's involved in investing in that type of HMO? There's also the size of the HMO, the size that you decide to invest in.

Andy Graham (09:07.192)

The number of bedrooms really will impact your entire strategy. It will impact it from a cost point of view. It will impact it from a profitability point of view, but it'll also impact the ability to raise finance, the ability that you can acquire properties. It'll affect whether or not you need licensing, whether you need planning and things like that. And so it's really important that every time you have a consideration for potentially acquiring a property, you look back at this concept. Look back at your principles and figure out where does this really sit? What am I actually trying to achieve? Does this fit with my objective? It's no good just kind of scatter gun approaching to try and acquire any type of property, any means. That's really not the foundation of a successful and sustainable portfolio. So make sure you have a really narrow focus on exactly what that is. 

What about location? Are you completely satisfied with the location that you're targeting? Do you know absolutely everything there is about that location? Do you know why you should be investing in that location? Do you know the pros and the cons and the reasons why it might be difficult or might be easier to invest in a particular type of HMO and a particular size of HMO in that area? These are all the really important principles that underlie and underpin the Find concept of this whole system. Really understanding and coming back to that and making sure that everything you do is driving you in that direction is incredibly important. 

And then of course, you need to be able to evaluate and appraise everything you do. Now, there were a couple of episodes earlier in the podcast where I talked about the 20 steps that you can follow. What we covered certainly in those episodes, the ability to appraise and evaluate properties. But this is so big, it's coming under the broader system of the five F's. And it's something that you really, really, really must understand in great detail. If you don't understand how to appraise and more importantly if you don't understand how to interpret the results of an appraisal then you really could be building a business on some pretty sketchy foundations. Now I've got some great lessons come up in the roadmap that will really help you with that but make sure that you really understand that. Make sure that you understand the yields that you're trying to extract, the return on the capital employed.

Andy Graham (11:27.18)

The timelines, make sure all of this fits together and stress it and test it in different ways and make sure that that is the objective that you're trying to achieve and it fits with the type of HMO and it's achievable given the location and the size of the HMO as well. And every time you look at a property and you look at your actual acquisition strategy, you want to make sure that it all fits. Does this property in this location with that number of bedrooms that I'm potentially going to rent to those type of tenants fit in my strategy, is that serving my long term objective? 

And then of course you really want to have a system in place or a number of systems to help you identify properties recurrently. Do you have a system that is enabling you to find and discover and uncover deals out there? Some of them will be on market, some will be off market, some will come direct from vendors, some will come from pipelining relationships and following up with agents.

Some will come from the quality or you might get more from having better quality direct mail campaigns or content strategies. What about your digital Facebook advertising networking? There are so many different avenues that you could take here to help you find more deals, but making sure you know exactly what you're doing and making sure that your efforts are all aligned with this are incredibly important. So there we are. There are the key topics under the Find concept, but there are so many pieces of detail that we could really dive into on each of them. But for now, just want to give you a really good understanding of the first F. 

The second F is fund. Okay. This is the second part of a five step system that I follow. Now, this is incredibly important. Funding is everything. It's the lifeline of your business. And without funding, sensible and realistic and consistent funding solutions, it's really difficult to grow any sort of business, let alone a property business, which is capital intensive. So the first thing you want to do is make sure that you are able to forecast out your business. Do you know how much capital you're going to need for this deal? Do you know how much capital you're going to need this quarter, this year? Do you know how much capital you're going to need over the next few years? If you want to reach your objective, which may be, for example, 10,000 pound recurring income.

Andy Graham (13:49.72)

from a number of HMOs. These are big targets and they're going to need a lot of capital. Where's all that capital going to come from? Is it all coming from investors? How are you going to pay the investors back? Is some of it going to be recycled? What portion of those funds do you have to recycle? So having a forecast and being able to consider all of those components, as well as things like what staff might cost, what systems and subscriptions you might need, all of those sorts of things will help you figure out the

pace at which you can do something and whether or not the funding you've got at hand will allow you to deliver at that timeline. And if not, if it's difficult, if you can see that it's going to be difficult, then you know that funding is something you'll have to get more of. Bringing more funding into the business to speed up that process is something you'll have to do. And again, that's helping keep you stuck on that objective, making you really, really focus on that long term objective. 

It's no good thinking about funding when you need it at the last minute. This is something you want to plan well in advance. Good financial management is also key here and it falls under the fund principle. If you can manage your money well and account for it well, that'll really help when it comes to planning and progressing your business and moving it forward. This can be done on a business level, kind of a macro level, but it can also be done on a micro level looking at it by a project by project basis? 

Are you accounting for everything in the right way? Will you have systems and processes that will help you do that? Do you have time set aside every single week, every month, every quarter to manage and track and keep on top of your finances to review them? P&Ls, balance sheets, all of those sorts of things are incredibly important. Are you raising public or private finance? This is a big consideration and it falls under this fund umbrella. 

It's really different, the strategy that you want to follow, whether you're relying entirely on public or private finance. And for most people, a combination of the two is really, really good. But if that's the case, perhaps you need to think about your pitch deck or your property deck for investors. Do you have that figured out? What does it look like? When are you going to give that to them? Do you have a profile, a brand, an authority in the space to attract those individuals in the first place? Do you have a good credit history and a good credit record that

Andy Graham (16:07.992)

High street lenders are going to be happy with, are they going to be happy to lend with you? These are all the very important considerations that need to be thought about well in advance. How are you managing and nurturing your investor relationships? This is a really important question. A lot of people overly focus on how to find investors or even how to allow investors to find them. But how do you manage that investor over the long time? Very rarely does an investor just commit to doing a deal with you. Sometimes it takes months and months and months, if not longer to convince somebody to work with you, to convince them that you're the right partner and that you can deliver the right product for them and that their money is safe with you. How confident are you in your ability to recycle capital? This is something that you really want to get your head around. I think it's an incredibly important concept and it's really useful to be able to recycle capital, really speed up the process that you can build a HMO portfolio. But it's very, very difficult and again,

That in some way relates to your find concept, your strategy of finding deals in the right locations with the right sizes. These deals need to obviously have the ability to add a good amount of value. And that's really tough, particularly if you also want rental confidence and you want other positives and lots of the pros about HMOs. It's really tough to tick all of those boxes. But again, making sure that you're looking for something that suits your long-term objective is really, really important. 

My long-term objective is to have sustainability as well as cashflow. And I'm steadily building up an equity pod. For some people, they're more aggressively pursuing equity, equity, equity, trying to recycle capital. But sometimes there has to be a compromise on perhaps the rental confidence or the amounts of cashflow because you're squeezing as much out of the deal. Maybe you're leaving only 20% deposit down on properties. Well, that sort of stuff is all fine if it suits your long-term objective. 

But if not, it's easy to find that where you begin can ultimately take you down a path that takes you to the end quite a far away from where you really want to be. Do you have all the contracts and agreements that you're going to need for these arrangements, particularly when it comes to private finance? Do you have loan agreements? Do you have JV agreements? There's no use scrabbling around for these at the last minute. These are the sorts of things that should form the

Andy Graham (18:30.168)

fundamentals of your business and that's why it's in here. That's why it's one of the five key principles of the F system. Let's move on to fix the third point in this system. Now, fix doesn't just relate to fixing properties and maintenance and things. Actually, fix, we're talking about preparing properties, fixing them up to be used as HMOs, creating the products that we want.

Now there's a lot to think about here, statutory requirements, we're talking about legal bits and pieces, surveys, everything like that that we have to get that we need to make sure is right so that we don't end up compromised or liable in any way at all. Drawings and floor plans, do you have the people and the teams ready that can do this sort of thing? Do you know what you're trying to do? Do you know what you need if you've got a big refurb coming on? Are you aware of the sorts of things that you need? planned and prepared so that you can deliver a big refurb. 

These are incredibly important and I actually find that managing refurb is one of the things that takes me almost more time than anything and actually it takes a huge amount of my headspace managing refurb without good systems and processes to manage them. I think I've really, really struggled so I would really advise that you do focus and make sure that this is a big priority of yours if you're planning on doing a number of refurb.

Planning and budgeting is so, so important. So of course we're talking about planning the actual refurb. I like to create a schedule of works. I've got lots of different templates, which will eventually be available in the roadmap, but you should have these too. It's really important to be able to track the progress and to make sure that you know absolutely everything by item by item by item, what you're trying to do with a refurb. And do you know the budget? Are you sticking to the budget? Do you have a contingency? Do you have a process to manage overspends on budgets and with builders. 

These things are really, really tough and it's where you can lose a huge amount of money. So that's why it's so, so important to regard it as one of the most important things that you should be doing in your business. Have this boxed away, have a number of systems and processes and resources that you can pull out of the armory exactly when you need it. But trying to do it all the last minute and scrabble around and put the right things in place when you're under pressure is really, really difficult.

Andy Graham (20:50.99)

Let's move on and talk about fill. Now without tenants, we can't make money. We can have the best looking HMO in the world, but if we're no good at filling it, if we can't find the right tenants and get them secured, then we're not going to make any money and it's going to be a bad deal every single time. And it sounds a lot easier than it really is filling rooms. Filling rooms is always a little bit easier when you've got a brand new product and it looks great and particularly in a fairly fresh market, a new market.

But three to six months in when that HMO is looking a little bit more tired and your adverts have been online and they're not performing as well and somebody else has come along and put another five or six bed HMO down the road. Well, things can get really tough. And that's when you have to really be good at what you do. This is when you've really got to recognise that founding principles of a business, HMO property business, are not just making your properties look good. They're actually making sure that they run well. They're filled with the right tenants consistently.

Occupancies maintained and these stuff need time, they need attention and your time and attention as you build your business is gonna get dragged away You're gonna get pulled from pillar to post dealing with problems Trying to help other people do certain things and you have to focus remember that you need to at all times be focusing on this sort of activity Do you know the platforms that you should be advertising on?

Is it just Right Move? Is it just Spare Room or other platforms that you could be using and utilizing to make sure that you fill it with the best type of tenants, the best quality tenants. you know when to advertise? This is really important feature. That's if you advertise at the wrong time, you could miss your spot of going top of the listings. And that's really, really important because by far that is where you're going to pick up most number of rnquiries.

But very quickly you will drop down the listings, whether it's on Rightmove or Spare Room or other platforms and your enquiry rate will really begin to drop off. So making sure that you make the most of that time when you first go online with any sorts of adverts is really, really, really important. Are you getting the right sorts of photos? Are you doing 3D videos now? This is a really important thing, particularly what's going on at the minute. We've done 3D videos across the entire portfolio.

Andy Graham (23:08.214)

as well as floor pounds. And we've found it's been incredibly useful, incredibly helpful in allowing us to fill properties and fill rooms. And perhaps this is something that you should be doing. And not only that, perhaps this is something that you should be really focusing on doing moving forwards. The more proactive you are and having this sort of information available and at hand, and the better the quality of it, the better your chances of securing tenants and securing tenants quickly. Are you writing engaging descriptions? 

Are you writing the right stuff about your property? Are you capturing the attention of tenants who are very busy people who are also being firehose lots and lots of information through social media and also on these platforms, these other rooms, these other properties that landlords have got available that you're competing with. They are capturing the attention and saying the right stuff in your adverts. I'm frequently every single week reviewing the adverts that my staff are creating and managing just to make sure they're as good as they possibly can be. It's the little tweaks and it's just understanding the importance of it in your business that really, really, really does matter. 

Are you hacking the systems and what do I mean by that? Are you hacking the platforms? Well, the algorithms are all quite different, but they work in quite funny ways and you can change things and keep tweaking things to help keep you at the top of the listing page. You may not always be number one or number two.

But there are a number of hacks that you can figure out and over time I will share these with you, but there isn't enough time in this episode, unfortunately, but that will really help you drive enquiries. And it's so, so, so important that you're doing this. But fortunately, this isn't something that you can just do every week or every couple of weeks. This is something you need to do every single day to bring the right results. Do you have a process for actually managing enquires? Is somebody responding to them or is it you?

Are you driving them to a text service straight away or onto emails? How are you getting them information to get them onto viewings? These sorts of things and making sure that you have a streamlined and efficient process. But most importantly, you can do it consistently. Really, really, really important and help make sure that those enquiries are converted directly into viewings as quickly as possible. I think statistically it's something like 30 minutes. If you can respond to an enquiry and get somebody booked within 30 minutes, you increase your chances of

Andy Graham (25:29.986)

getting that converted into a tenancy by about 80%, which is a phenomenal statistic when you think about it. Paperwork, tenancy agreements, guarantors, deposits. Have you got all that stuff ready in hand to actually convert these guys into tenancies? They're important things. And again, it's no use rushing around. These are founding components to any HMO property business. You really need to know this stuff at the back of your hand and you need to have systems that work consistently well. You need to have automation processes in that will really help you. You don't need to do all of this at once. 

There is a lot to do and a lot to think about here, but the sooner you get this stuff into place, the more you know about what you're trying to do and the law and the objectives that you're trying to achieve, the easier it will become and the better the results. I promise you. 

Now let's talk about Flow. The last concept, the last principle in this system. But flow is about management and not just management of tenants or properties, it's management of the business as well. Now this is so, so important because a lot of business owners, particularly property business owners, get sucked into managing properties and managing tenant issues. And the compromise there, in fact, the really bad thing there is that the business itself is the one that suffers. The business doesn't get the time it needs from its owner, from its founder, from its director, to make sure it keeps moving in the right place. 

And a lot of components that we've talked about in this podcast already, in this episode already, relate to that. The cash flows, the P&Ls, reconciliation reports, monitoring the number of inquiries and the conversion rates, checking the data, making sure that your relationships are taking you in the right direction with investors, network contact, your branding, your PR skills.

What does the overall strategy look like and does it need tweaking if things aren't quite working? Well, these are all the important parts and concepts that a good business owner needs to understand. And you need to give it time. You need to know that every single day, every single week, every single month, every quarter and every year, you've really got to commit an amount of your time to working on the business and not just in it.

Andy Graham (27:46.636)

It's really difficult for a lot of investors to get their heads around that because property is very time consuming. It does eat up a lot of our time. And because it's big money stuff, often we can't rely or we feel like we can't rely on too many people to make some of the more important decisions. So what happens? Well, we get sucked into it, don't we? We get dragged into trying to resolve those problems for people. And that's fine.

Over time, getting staff and having systems and processes in place will eliminate a lot of that. It will never completely remove it. Certainly not in my experience, but it's so important to make sure that you have time set aside to actually work on the business and to help drive you forward. Do you have responsibilities and accountability set out? Roles for certain staff members or even for yourself as a director? Do you have procedures for all of these things or are you prioritising the need for procedures. 

Perhaps that's even more important to say at this time. A lot of people just prioritising the need to put procedures in place is an important thing that they need to do, let alone actually putting the procedures and the policies in place. But it does all take time and you really need to focus and understand that if you approach this in the right way, it really will help drive positive results. It'll help take you to your objective. It'll help you get there a lot more quickly. 

So there we go. Those are the five F's of the system that I developed that I still work to this day. There's so much that goes on in a business. There's so much that goes on in the HMO property business. And it's so easy to get overwhelmed. It's easy to be overwhelmed at the beginning. And if you're there, I completely get it. I really sympathize with you. It's so tough. Where do you look? What do you look for? How do you do it? 

But even if you're in it and you've been there and you've been buying HMOs for a while now, you probably find that it can still be very, very, very overwhelming at times. And it's easy to lose your grip on that stuff. And that's why having a system in place that draws your attention back to the key priorities is so, so important. Every single week I have time set aside and that time helps me separate where I work on the business and where I work in the business where I actually

Andy Graham (30:09.122)

get involved and support staff resolve problems. And you do need to do a bit of both, certainly in the earlier stages, but it's incredibly important to have that distinction between the two and having a system to follow really helps narrow your focus. What I like to do is look at everything that I need to tackle in a day and a week and a month, and then look at which one of these compartments that it fits into. Where can I box this up? Is this a funding issue? Is this a Fill issue?

Are we struggling with occupancy and do we need to go and review some of the processes in our fill concept? Do we need to work on getting some more procedures and automation? Is this a flow issue? Do we need to get the business into a state of flow so that it's just not stop and start and dragging me in every single time something distracts me? Because you will get distracted and it's important to make sure more than anything that these things work consistently when you're not giving it your 100 % attention.

That is the true and the most real example of success that you can try and achieve. Once you've got that, it means that you can step away. If things are working when you can look in another direction or you can take a step back from the business or a bit of time aside, that means your business is working well. The real test is how long you can do that for. A weekend's probably not quite enough to say that your business is sustainable, but of you could go away for three months and everything would continue to run just as it should do, then I would say, yeah, absolutely. That sounds like a good, successful business. That's really what you want to try and achieve here. 

Now I get it. Again, there's a huge amount of information in this podcast, but don't feel overwhelmed about this. The HMO roadmap when it's live in January will break these down into so much granular detail. 

It is a machine. There is so much valuable content there for you and resources to download, worksheets to follow, checklists to take away, as well as hundreds of hours of content on each of these specific topics and all of the subcategories to them. But just for now, knowing that you can box things up into these five areas will really, really help you grow your business.

Andy Graham (32:32.344)

That is it for today's episode guys. Thank you for tuning in. Like I said, this episode is nearly four years old, so I didn't quite have the polish that I might now have on the podcast, but look, the fundamentals of that episode are absolutely as true today as they were then. They are the key concepts that have enabled me to build a really successful HMO business, multiple businesses in fact, and all of my mentees as well. Some of them might be new concepts and you'll have heard me in that episode talking about the HMO roadmap.

This was recorded back in 2020 before the HMO roadmap was launched. So I was talking about it before it had been launched, but that is of course live now. And everything that I'm talking about mentioned in that episode is there and a whole lot more. I mean, the amount that we've grown over the last four years really is incredible, but everything you need to know to help you find deals, fund deals, fix them and refurbish them, get in great tenants that stay and pay rent for a long time and how you can get into the flow of operational management, high performance in your HMO business, all of that, and everything else you could possibly need is waiting for you inside the HMO roadmap. 

Just head on over to Got the community case studies, over 70 of them, the deal stacker, we've got downloadable resources. They'll save you hours and hours of time and thousands of pounds in having to get them produced yourself and dozens and dozens of additional masterclasses since this episode originally came out.

And just so much more really is quite overwhelming how much more value is in the HMO roadmap now versus then. But look, it's all there waiting for you. 

If 2025 is going to be the year for you, now is the time to really take a hold of fulfilling your ambitions and dreams and aspirations in property, then just head on over there. I promise you won't regret it. It'll cost you less than the price of a cup of coffee every single day. And it's an absolute no brainer if you do want to build a high cash flowing HMO Property business.

If you've enjoyed today's episode then can I ask you a huge favor? Please please please please just spend 30 seconds even less than that to leave a quick review of the show It means more than you could possibly know we do accept five stars And it gives me and my team that warm fuzzy feeling inside, but look in all seriousness, it's nice to know that you guys are finding it valuable. It's good to listen to your feedback It does help put the podcast in front of more people and it helps us continue to bring really great guests onto the show Which by the way, we've got loads

Andy Graham (34:56.792)

booked in and scheduled for 2025, which we're already really, really excited about. So if you do get the opportunity to do that, we would be incredibly grateful. That is it though, guys. Thank you again for tuning in and don't forget that I'll be right back here in the very same place next week. So please join me then for another installment of the HMO Podcast.